Sony have followed up their release of the F5 and F55 version 2.0 software with 2.1, a minor update that adds some extra viewfinder functionality, more Wi-Fi options, wind noise cut filter and some extra monitoring output fixes.
More details on this and the download for the new software can be found here on the Sony Community forums.
Major 2.0 firmware changes is listed below...
Sony's much anticipated version 2.0 software has arrived for the
F5 and
F55 cameras and it packs a heap of improvements to the camera system. Over 30 features have been added including higher frame rates, 2K XAVC mode, improved exposure tools such as waveform, histogram, vectorscope and better support for Fujinon's fantastic
Cabrio lenses.
Lemac have been testing this new firmware and are finding it to be very solid and a good step forward for the camera. The first improvement that quickly becomes evident is that all of the buttons are now working. The previously redundant 'File' and 'Au/TC' (Audio / Time Code) buttons on the operators side now actually let you scroll through your settings for presets, audio input, monitoring settings and time code options.

2K (2048x1080) mode for XAVC has been enabled in both the F5 and F55 which means shooting 2K to the SxS Pro+ cards is now possible. This also works while dual recording to the raw recorder meaning you can shoot 2K and 4K at the same time.
HFR (High Frame Rate) MODE
Higher Frame Rates have been added allowing up to 120fps internally using the full sensor (no cropping), this can also be done simultaneously in 2K RAW to the R5 recorder.
If you need to go higher on the F55, 180fps and 240fps are also possible to the Raw recorder in 2K RAW. While those in PAL based countries will find shooting in multiples of 25 such as 100, 150, 200 problematic subject to strobing or flicker our testing has shown that shooting at 120fps with flicker reduction ON/50Hz does make a big dent in the strobing effect. The S&Q mode which enables fully adjustable frame rates above 60fps is coming in the forthcoming December firmware release.
Other big additions are better exposure tools including waveform, histogram and vectorscope options for the viewfinder system and also the addition of false-colour although the latter comes as a free hardware upgrade for those with the OLED Viewfinder (DVF-EL100) and the 7" Monitor (DVF-L700) only. There has also been a focus assist indicator added which you can enable in the menu.
Also added to the viewing system is the ability to send out 3840x2160 from the SDI or HDMI out when the F55 is in 4K XAVC mode. Previously this only worked at 4096x2160 which limited its compatibility with some viewing systems.
All 4 SDI's can now function as single-link SDI's at the same time now. Previously you only got two at a time unless you were running Quad link 4K out.
SD signal out of the Sub (SDI) out has also been enabled which means running a down-converted standard PAL 576i signal into a truck or switcher is now also possible. This still works no problems when shooting HD to cards, and even 4K onto the RAW recorder.
The rotary dial on the operators side of the camera used to navigate through the menus can also now be used to control audio level adjustments, and extra Cabrio lens support has been added to enable iris control and the record trigger.
Recent IR tests shot by Ben Roswell of NZCS and published on CML show the big advantage of the F55 system over Alexa when shooting under heavy ND. The F55 seemed far less prone to pollution under high levels of ND and the internal ND system which is present on both the F5 and F55 also showed much better immunity from far red and IR pollution than the Alexa Studio's internal filtering system. Discussion and frame grabs from the test can be found here.

Version 2.0 firmware adds support for the forthcoming LA-FZB1 (2nd from right) and LA-FZB2 (far right) adaptors for ENG and Studio style B4 mount lenses. Pricing on these is not available yet.
The F5 and F55 mount system is proving to be one of the most versatile around, third party adaptors are also available such as IBE / Abelcine HDx35 II adaptor (far left) also enable the use of B4 mount 2/3" HD Video lenses on PL (& EF) cameras without vignetting and Optitek's Prolock (2nd from left) enables adaption from Canon EF to the native Sony FZ mount which these cameras use. There is also a Nikon version of the Optitek Prolock. All of these adaptor options are available from Lemac sales and rentals. These mount adaptors coupled with the forthcoming Super 16 crop mode (due in December) on the F5 and F55 mean that the cameras will be capable of using almost any lens you have in your arsenal.
For full details and download of the version 2.0 firmware upgrades click here.
These cameras and accessories are available now from Lemac sales and rentals across Australia.